Dem. candidates for Congress open up about LGBT issues

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 4 MIN.

Incumbent Lynch has come a long way in his support, but will challenger D'Alessandro blow him out of the water in the Sept. primary?

Massachusetts' Ninth Congressional District is in the midst of a political tug-of-war among Democrats, the outcome of which will be seen after the Democratic Congressional Primary on Sept. 14. Both Democratic candidates have pledged to step into the ring on behalf of the LGBT community.

Since his election to the position in 2001, incumbent Rep. Stephen Lynch has made strides in his support for and understanding of LGBT issues, thanks in part to a friendship with openly gay Rep. Barney Frank, as well as close ties with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Congressional newcomer Mac D'Alessandro, however, believes that more can be done to protect and serve LGBT citizens living in the Ninth District (which includes parts of Boston and several towns in Bristol, Norfolk, and Plymouth Counties).

"I'm going to be a strong advocate, not just a vote," D'Alessandro told Bay Windows. "I think I'll be a much stronger champion on these issues than Congressman Lynch has been."

The LGBT issues with which D'Alessandro is familiar include "Don't ask, don't tell" (DADT), the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), adoption equality for same-sex families, employment non-discrimination, and anti-bullying measures. These issues were listed on a campaign flier distributed at this year's Boston Pride celebration, which D'Alessandro also attended. Noticeably absent from the flier was the candidate's support for the Transgender Civil Rights Bill, but when asked about it, D'Alessandro said of the bill, "It's an important priority. ...I support it fully."

D'Alessandro is confident of his ability to stand up to Lynch when it comes to commitment to the LGBT community, following an endorsement from the Bay State Stonewall Democrats, a local LGBT advocacy organization. "Bay State Stonewall Democrats are proud to endorse Mac D'Alessandro because he is a fighter who stands by his convictions," Claire B. Naughton, Co-chair of the Stonewall Democrats, said in a prepared statement. "Mac will be a true advocate for the LGBT community as he works for all of the families of the 9th district. We are confident that Mac will be a consistent and committed defender of equality."

D'Alessandro said he was proud to receive the Stonewall Dems' endorsement. "The Stonewall Democrats have been champions on the issues of equality and civil rights," he said. "I'm honored to have their support in my campaign. I've spent my career fighting for families -- all families -- and I look forward to continue that advocacy in Congress. That begins with ensuring that all Americans enjoy equal protection under the law." The Congressional hopeful pointed out, however, that the most important endorsement he can receive is from the voter.

D'Alessandro had lobbied for endorsement from the HRC, but reported that they chose to offer their support to incumbent Lynch, who has a long history with the organization.

A 2003 profile by then Bay Windows Editor-in-chief Laura Kiritsy examined the Congressman's transformation from supporter of a "gay panic" defense for those accused of hate crimes, to a champion of LGBT rights. Lynch, however, denies that he was ever opposed to LGBT equality. "I think it was only in election processes that my opponents tried to paint me as being anti-gay," he said in a phone interview this week.

Shortly after his election in 2001, Kiritsy wrote, Lynch met with the HRC for the first time to learn more about LGBT issues. The South Boston native earned a 100 percent rating on the HRC's congressional scorecard for his first session in Washington and told Kiritsy, "I think my relationship with the gay community has evolved in a very positive way," thanks, in part, to his friendships with openly gay Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and openly lesbian Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.).

"They've been great with me, and it's nice to have their support," he said to Bay Windows of Baldwin and Frank. "Both of those lawmakers are pretty busy [however], so that's where the HRC comes in. ...[The HRC has] been very good as a resource for me in dealing with LGBT issues."

In offering the organization's endorsement to the Congressman, HRC President Joe Solmonese wrote, "We at HRC know that you will represent all of the people of your District, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, with distinction and honor. With the many challenges facing the LGBT community, we're very pleased to count you as an ally in standing up for issues of fairness." The letter thanked Lynch for his work on a repeal of DADT, as well as his work in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. "[W]e applaud your commitment to fundamental equal rights for all," Solmonese wrote, and said he is looking forward to continuing their work together.

When asked by this reporter whether or not he supports the Transgender Civil Rights Act, Representative Lynch admitted that he hadn't heard of it, and wouldn't be able to comment until he learned more. "We've been very supportive on this end of everything that's come down, that's been filed here in Washington on a federal level," he said, pointing out his support for a trans-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

The Congressman admits that his LGBT forte lies with federal efforts toward equality, and did not campaign at Boston Pride 2010.

Lynch made headlines in March of this year as a supporter of legal recognition of same-sex marriage in Washington, D.C. Despite pressure from House Republicans, the chairman of the House Committee with oversight over the District of Columbia chose not to get involved. "The District should be allowed to make those deep and personal decisions on their own," he said this week. Mayor Adrian Fenty signed marriage equality into law in the nation's capital -- after the D.C. City Council had approved the plan -- on Dec. 18, 2009. Marriages began on March 9 of this year. "[The D.C. Council] considered it a real victory, and I know that the local gay and lesbian community here was very, very supportive of it."

Lynch believes his record on LGBT issues is strong enough to speak for itself. Of the Ninth District's queer community, he told Bay Windows, "I've been a champion of their causes. I've been an open door to them. ...I would accept their judgment of me, and I think it's very, very favorable."

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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