God Loves Uganda

Lewis Whittington READ TIME: 2 MIN.

"God Loves Uganda" is Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker Roger Ross Williams' expose of antigay mercenaries Lou Engle and Scott Lively as the architects of international empire built on religious hysteria. Williams wanted to make the film after he met and interviewed Ugandan LBGTQ activist David Kato, who was murdered in 2011.

Even though the Bishop of Uganda pronounced that "evangelicals are preaching something that is very dangerous," the country's political leaders have taken the rhetoric to extremes and now have laws that criminalize GLBTQ Ugandans with imprisonment and facing probable death. There has already been a public witch-hunt and reprisals against the gay population.

Engle and Lively presented themselves as the voice of righteous Christian America and their testing ground is Uganda, where they sowed the seeds of antigay hate. Williams filmed some of the sessions with hidden cameras as the preachers went into Ugandan churches showing graphic gay porn to portray all gays in the west. They also launched propaganda campaigns claiming homosexuality was a western perversion and Ugandan children about to be recruited into a vile lifestyle.

Williams also follows the gay human-rights initiatives of Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma, now living in Boston, because he was forced to leave Africa for his own safety after he tried to go public in exposing what he calls 'American Culture Warriors in Africa: A Guide to the Exporters of Homophobia and Sexism.'

Williams uses hidden camera footage at some of the interviews of the robotic flock of missionaries, many of whom claimed not to know the results of the legislation against gays, claiming they didn't know what the government was doing to GBLTQ Ugandans. As Williams' unflinchingly shows in the film, they all have gay blood on their hands. This is a hard to watch, must see film.

by Lewis Whittington

Lewis Whittington writes about the performing arts and gay politics for several publications.

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