Popular UK Reverend Outed on Live TV

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The accidental outing of Apple CEO Tim Cook on live television that made headlines last month, replayed itself this week across the pond when a popular progressive female reverend from the United Kingdom was inadvertently outed live on British TV after a news anchor asked her about being gay, the Telegraph reports.

Rev. Sally Hitchiner, who the Telegraph says has an "easy-going charm that has long made her a popular commentator on current affairs programs," appeared on 5 News with Matt Barbet to discuss the Church of England allowing women to become bishops.

During that talk, Hitchiner was left speechless after Barbet accidentally outed her and identified her as a gay vicar on live TV.

Hitchiner, 33, has never publicly discussed her sexuality and in a feature she did with the Daily Mail seven months ago stated that she "has no children and doesn't talk about her private life."

"I suppose it was bound to come out eventually," she said. "My parents know. It is not as if anyone who loves me will be shocked."

Barbet insisted that it was clear from his research that she was already out, however.

The next morning, Hitchiner tweeted: "It feels like a different world this morning. So much happened yesterday. New starts and new futures ahead of us."

Gay Star News calls Hitchiner, "one of the most modern voices in religion working today" and that she's "become notable in recent years for not being 'traditional,' daring to wear Prada, post funny videos online, and still continue in priesthood."

The Telegraph reports she is "often spoken of as a future bishop" and noted that she is the inspiration for one of the characters in the popular British TV series "Rev."

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by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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