Anti-Gay Activist Gives Fashion Report From Hell


According to extreme right-wing activist Flip Benham, the must have colors for everyone's wardrobe in hell this season will be pink, red and black.

During last weekend's edition of the "Faith and Liberty" radio program, Flip Benham of the gynophobic, Islamaphobic and homophobic group Operation Save America, sat down to lament the lack of success the Christian right has had battling equal rights for LGBT Americans. He also offered a bit of insight as to which accessories the dark lord might be wearing on his cloven hands this season.

According to Right Wing Watch, during the broadcast, Benham explained that homosexuality, abortion and Islam ostensibly represent different incarnations of "the devil's fist." While "the homosexual agenda is the pink-colored glove" covering "the fist of the Devil," abortion is Satan's "crimson glove stained with the blood of almost 60 million little baby boys and girls." Islam, simply enough, is "the black glove of death" that Satan uses to keep his followers trapped in "bondage."

No mention was made by Benham as to what materials Beelzebub's glove makers plan to use, however velvet, latex and leather are most likely a safe bet.

Benham is head of Operation Save America, a group known for publicly burning Qur'ans, interrupting school board meetings and the 2007 shouting down of a Hindu clergyman as he offered his traditional morning prayer.

Last month, members of the organization interrupted a service at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans by preaching about "abomination" during a moment of silence for a member of the church who had recently died.

Benham's twin sons David and Jason made national headlines earlier this year when HGTV cancelled plans for their home improvement show due to inflammatory statements made by the pair.

Last weekend's appearance on "Faith and Liberty" marks Benham's first foray into the field of fashion reporting.


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