Madonna Stirs Controversy With Jewish/Muslim Gay Kiss Photo


Proving that she can still shock people in her 50s, Madonna caused a stir Sunday when she posted a photo to Instagram of a Jewish man and a Muslim man about to kiss. Ever the self-promoter, the image was captioned with the hashtag #rebelhearts -- a nod to her 13th studio album.

The photo was taken by Tel Aviv fashion photographer Ziv Sade for an add for a gay party called "Drek" last summer during the bombings of Israel.

"We were deeply frustrated and fearful with the situation and we wanted to shine some light on both sides of darkness," Sade told EDGE. "It was our way to scream for freedom and peace."

Comments on social media ran the gamut from supportive to condemning.

"I see two men one Muslim perhaps and one Jewish together sharing a moment of peace. Can't we just all get along without discussing religious beliefs?"

"I don't understand all the ppl here say it's not possible I'm Jewish from Israel my boyfriend is Arab Muslim and we live together for 3 years now!"

"Israel still kill people everyday. This is beautiful but it's not real"

"U think cuz u put a gay Israeli n a gay Palestinian together makes it ok to perform in Israel."

Madfruit points out that Sunday's Instagram post from the Material Girl isn't the first time she's connected homosexuality and the conflict between Jews and Muslims.

In 2006, as part of her "Confessions on a Dancefloor" tour, she had two male shirtless dancers on stage during the song "Forbidden Love." One was painted with a Muslim star and crescent on his chest and the other had a Star of David. While they appeared to 'fight' throughout the song, they embraced at the end.


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