RI HIV Prevention Coalition Observes World AIDS Day


Today, November 30, from 12-1 p.m. at the Rhode Island State House, the Rhode Island HIV Prevention Coalition invites all to attend their annual World AIDS Day Rhode Island event.

"It is important that the conversation about prevention efforts prioritize the complex intersections of risk factors, and that our state is constantly working to offer comprehensive services that competently support individuals from a diversity of backgrounds and identities," said Kira Manser, co-chair of the RI HIV Prevention Coalition.

This year's World AIDS Day theme is "Getting to Zero"; zero new infections and zero AIDS-related deaths. The event will provide a forum for discussion on key issues including the importance of knowing one's HIV status, preventing HIV transmission, and understanding the relationship between the transmission rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with the goal of getting to zero new HIV cases in the state.

Speakers at the event include Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, Director of RI Department of Health Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott, and Richie DeFilippo, Mr.Gay Rhode Island 2015, as well as infectious disease and HIV/AIDS experts.

AIDS is a priority health issue in Rhode Island which, despite successfully decreasing the rate of HIV infections among drug users through a needle exchange program, still experienced a 33 percent rise in newly identified HIV cases from 2013-2014. These rates are accompanied by increased rates of several STIs in the state: a 30 percent rise in gonorrhea cases, as well as a 79 percent increase in new syphilis infections, according to preliminary data from 2013-2014 gathered by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

While there have been no new pediatric HIV cases since 2013, people ages 20-29 are increasingly vulnerable to HIV and other STIs, particularly among some populations.

Light refreshments will be served; all are welcome to attend.

The event is brought to you by members of the Rhode Island HIV Prevention Coalition, including Lifespan, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, AIDS Care Ocean State, AIDS Project Rhode Island, The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health, Family Service of RI, MAC Cosmetics, Sojourner House, JSI Research & Training Institute.

For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/818551071598933/


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