George Zimmerman Suspended From Twitter After Alleged Revenge Porn Incident


George Zimmerman, who was acquitted for killing Trayvon Martin in 2013, was suspended from Twitter Thursday after publishing the name, email address, nude photos and phone number of his ex-girlfriend. His actions also may be in violation of a Florida cyber-harassment law aimed to stop "revenge porn" on social media.

"This is (Redacted). She cheated on me with a dirty Muslim," Zimmerman tweeted before publishing his victim's phone number. "She'll sleep with anyone."

"Did I go to (sic) far?" Zimmerman said in a follow up Tweet. "I won't even mention that she stole a gun and cash from me..." He followed this Tweet up by publishing her email address. notes neither the nude photos nor woman's contact information appears to have been posted consensually. This likely opens Zimmerman up for prosecution for Florida's cyber-harassment which was signed by Gov. Rick Scott in 2015.

Zimmerman, who was acquitted in 2013 for the 2012 killing of unarmed African American teen Trayvon Martin, has a checkered romantic past that includes an arrest for domestic violence in January of 2015.

H/T DailyKos

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