GOP Senator Distributes Amended Religious Objections Measure


In an apparent effort to force a vote and end a filibuster, the Republican sponsor of a Missouri religious objections proposal has distributed a new version of a measure that would allow protections if businesses deny services related to same-sex marriage.

The revised proposal was released Wednesday after a more than 30-hour Democratic filibuster that started Monday.

The measure would prohibit government penalties against business owners and individuals who cite a "sincere religious belief" while declining to provide services involving "expressional or artistic creation" for same-sex weddings.

The proposed new version of the measure specifies that businesses are protected if services are denied for a wedding or close before or after a reception. It also cites florists and photographers as examples.

The measure also would shield clergy and worship places that decline to participate in such weddings.

Senators haven't voted on the new proposal.

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