Gym Chain Turns off News Stations to Decrease Stress on Workout Floor


Does the sight of President Donald Trump or Kellyanne Conway stress you out? You're not alone.

National gym chain Blink Fitness is celebrating National Stress Awareness Month in April by taking news stations off its TV screens. According to DNAInfo, CNN, MSNBC, Fox and other news stations will be turned off in favor of "uplifting" programs every Monday this month.

The "Tune Out While You Work Out" initiative, which began on Monday, aims to tackle stress as a serious health issue.

According to an annual survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) earlier this year, there was a significant increase in stress amongst Americans for the first time since the survey was first conducted in 2007. Factors that play into Americans' stress include the current political climate, personal safety, and even constant technology use. As a result of these stressors, 80 percent of Americans have reported at least one health symptom because of additional stressors.

"We always want Blink to be a place our members turn to when they need a mood boost," said Ellen Roggemann, Vice President of Marketing for Blink Fitness.

Members are also encouraged to stay off social media at the gym.

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